This film is of interest primarily because it contains within it the entire surviving footage of an unfinished 1974 film by the same director, Slave...
Anna Karamazoff
The action unfolds in our days, in the small Volga town of Kalinov, where nothing has changed since the days of Alexander Ostrovsky’s classical...
Short stories that seem to be absolutely different, none of the main characters is connected with the other one, each following story is totally...
After his marriage with Lyuba breaks down, Boris begins to search for an apartment of his own. He locates an apartment for couples which is being...
Assuage My Sorrows
Andrei's ex-girlfriend Tania (Anzhela Belyanskaya) has been constantly in danger of going to jail since he knew her. Their breakup was not his doing,...
Contemporary Moscow. Svyatoslav, a poor boy, falls in love with Asya, a rich girl, and wants to marry her. To support her in the manner in which she...
Russian Psycho
Near the walls of the Kremlin, a real duel unfolds between two former friends over a girl of exceptional beauty and supernatural powers named...
Five unusual short stories. Two heroes are fighting for the heart of a mysterious beauty in the tragicomedy Olesya. In the parable "Milk" in the...
Russian Shorts. Vol. 1
"Oh my God !!!! ... Unbelievable !!! ... I believe - Bigfoot exists. He is !!! ... He kidnapped me !!! He is good !!! ... We are going to get...
The Female
Gera, a respected director of TV commercials, thinks he's capable of creating a fiction movie masterpiece. Predictably, he ends up with owning money...
8 ½ $
The film is based on a conflict between the director of a textile mill and the chief engineer, who regards the initiative of the director for...
The City of Brides