This is a story about modern youth, about how young people enters the great beautiful world of complex human relations, how, when faced with...
6-grader Kolya Gerasimov discovers a time machine in a basement of an old house in Moscow and gets transferred into the 21st century. There he is...
Guest from the Future
The clash of two styles of approaches to people, science, and business is the main conflict of the film. Both central characters - the head of the...
A Special Day
Mimo Okon Idut Poezda
Scapin the Schemer
A story about the beginning of life. Having lost their parents early, Alyosha and Nadya were not left alone - the father’s friend and the...
Early in the Morning
The famous clown Vetrov returns after a long tour to the Moscow Circus, where he worked for many years. Time has changed a lot, and past ties are not...
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