Bite, a cockroach who lives in a computer processor, must prove himself and survive the ongoing battle between predator-like street pigeons and...
Little Bite in the Big City
In the weeks leading up to the grand air show young Su-27 fighter by the name of Knight comes to the disciples to aircraft leading figures, which are...
In a magical faraway land, in a picturesque little village nestled among green meadows and rolling hills, lives a flock of carefree sheep. But their...
Sheep & Wolves
This episode of the TV almanac dramatized fragments of A. Tolstoy's science fiction novel "Aelita", the stories of Kir Bulychev "The Snow Maiden" and...
This Fantastic World 4
In this series of the popular television almanac, the works “On Eternal Wanderings and About the Earth” by Ray Bradbury and “The...
This Fantastic World 5
The consequences of a nuclear war are destruction, hunger. The surviving people have even lost the memory of their former civilization. At the center...
This Fantastic World 13
For several years as a terrible sea monster drowns ships of the Navy. In a small number of ships that managed to survive, in the sides were found...
Captain Nemo
A satirical interpretation of the modern debut launch process from the perspective of two young director's personal experience. Chivalrous walk to...
Donkey Hot
USSR, 1979. A guy meets a girl at a party. The girl is a hairdresser, the guy helps his father at a meat-processing plant. Soon a son is born and the...
My Friend
Based on the play of the same name by A.P. Chekhov.