The story follows Mamoru Masaki, a resort developer, and Koai, a career woman at a rival company. The appearance of Masaki, who does not live in work...
Sometime, Somewhere
Kanae's husband disappeared without a trace while on a union trip. Though usually headstrong and independent, the woman becomes plagued with worry...
Kenichi Asakura is an uptight, hyper-square salesman. One day, three bank robbers commandeer his van. They are in hot pursuit of their fellow robber...
Nijima, a white-collar worker, finds the man responsible for his young daughter's murder. He tortures and interrogates the man, who maintains his...
Eyes of the Spider
A couple who are about to divorce argue over who should take custody over their pet cat. The cat flees and disappears due to the human commotions,...
The film is an adaptation of the novel of the same title by Takashi Kitajima.
cf Girl
Shinzo Egi is an asthma sufferer who does not want to be place on life support. As a last request, Shinzo Egi asks his doctor Ayano Orii if she could...
The Terminal Trust
Tatsuo and his daughter Haru run Takano Tofu Store in Onomichi. They begin their work before dawn every day. They carefully select beans to make...
Takano Tofu
Tetsuaki's struggling to write a novel while his mother fades; Mitsuko's engagement has been forced upon her unwillingly; the two individuals run...
A droll and formalistic comic drama about the various relationships among, and odd obsessions of, the residents of a Tokyo apartment block.
Beautiful Sunday
#20 in the series, after "Insurance Embezzler."
The King of Minami: Waiting Woman
Based on the best-selling novel by Miyuki Miyabe. The title “Mohouhan” means “Copycat”, and it tells the story of a criminal...
Copycat Killer
During Muraishi's time in prison for fraud, he recalls his past and learns a power to penetrate and cure others. Upon release, he goes to Hakodate,...
You Alone Can't See
Takashi and four of his classmates, fourth-grade students, cannot succeed in doing a back pullover around a horizontal bar. Their gym teacher warns...
Happy Go Lucky
A pawn shop owner in Osaka is murdered, but due to a lack of conclusive evidence the police lists the man's death as a suicide. Detective Sasagaki,...
Into the White Night
Tamako graduated from a university in Tokyo, but she now lives with her father back in Kofu. Tamako doesn't help her father or tries to get a job....
Tamako in Moratorium
The joys and sorrows of the little schoolboy, Akira, in a modern Japan. A story about friendship and loyalty.
Don't Look Back
Yokubo from director Tetsuo Shinohara is based off of the award-winning love story by Mariko Koike. A young man searching for physical comfort and...
A female student falls for a senior, but the senior not really for her. He is willing to go to bed with her, but doesn’t feel love. The couple...
Undulant Fever
This is the seventh volume of a series of one-episode horror dramas based on rumored haunted places, actual stories, and accidents that have occurred...
Damned Files 7
This is the fifth volume of a serial horror drama series of complete episodes produced based on actual stories and accidents.
Damned Files 5
Suzuki Shizuka is an office lady at a conglomerate who is hypnotized at a local amusement park and left under the spell. Now she is compelled to sing...
Dance with Me
Kasumi is in the midst of an affair with Ishiyama, one of her husband's clients. When Kasumi and her family visit Ishiyama's villa in Hokkaido, she...
A Tender Place
1995 Japanese mystery video film.
Two-Headed Devil - Who is the True Culprit?
A samurai warrior is terrorised by the demon Agi.
Agi, the Fury of Evil
The biography of Mifune Chizuko a woman clairvoyant.
Shinobu Otake's Inspirational Girl: Youth Lived by Love and Psychic Powers
A romantic anthology with five episodes featuring five love stories in Japan, United States, Norway, the Island of Saipan, and the one in Rjukan...
Run for Love
In January 1946 a British military transport plane departs from Shanghai on its to Tokyo, Japan. During the flight the airplane makes an emergency...
Fly, Dakota, Fly!
During the invasion of Normandy the photograph of a slim Korean man in German uniform was found. It transpired that the man had served as a soldier...
My Way
A romance that takes place one summer in the countryside between an out-of-job musician, Hanabi, and a girl, Hibana.
One More Time, One More Chance
A continuation of the story of the postwar years in the Japanese Inland Sea. Now a decade has passed. Two friends meet and decide to look for the...
MacArthur's Children—Part II
Two 17 year old teens are hospitalized for different reasons. Ezaki suffers from Hepatitis A, while Akiba is due to a weak heart. The relationship...
Looking Up at the Half-Moon
After her parents divorced, Shima Sumitomo lived with her mother. She felt uncomfortable living with her stepfather and she was unable to hang out...
Principal: Am I In a Love Story?
A man Tetsuo (Kosuke Toyohara) met at a racetrack offered him a job of 100,000 yen per diem, and although he was suspicious, he was urged by the...
Black Market Emperor: Silver and Gold
The slow collapse of the relationship between an out-of-work actor and his girlfriend.
The story of a young man and woman who set out to revenge the death of her mother. The lovers enter a mysterious world where space and time are...
Danger de mort
After a convenience store robbery, three unidentified men hold a group of people hostage in a hospital. Inspector Ishida and Captain Tohno handle the...
The Negotiator
Hiroko attends the memorial service of her fiancé, Itsuki Fujii, who died in a mountain-climbing incident. Although Itsuki's mother says that...
Love Letter
Minamo is a patient at a mental institute who keeps having the same dream. In the dream, there’s a small lake with a big bright moon shinning...
Sinking into the Moon
2013 movie.
The World Within a 3-Km Radius
Shun and Nagisa first meet and fall in love during their first year of high school. While Shun is graduating from university, Nagisa tells him that...