The city of Yūbari in the Hokkaido prefecture has become a ghost town following the presence of Shadow Moon and his minions of Gorgom. Makino, a...
Kamen Rider Black: Terror! Demon Mansion at Devil's Pass
Originally known simply as Kamen Rider Black during its theatrical release. Children all over Tokyo mysteriously disappear without warning. Kotaro...
Kamen Rider Black: Hurry to Demon Island!
A behind-the-scenes TV special, introducing the Kamen Rider Black series.
This is Kamen Rider Black!
Eiji lives a quiet life running a small Izakaya with his wife. He spends his days cooking for and serving the lively residents of his small hometown.
Choji Snack Bar
To solve the mystery of her deceased husband, his wife departs to Shinshu.
The Unmarked Path