The touching and dramatic tale of the relationship between a Japanese family, their dog and her three puppies, set against the backdrop of a...
A Tale of Mari and Three Puppies
A young girl named Kiki must leave her home for a year to begin training in witchcraft. She leaves on her broom, but first says goodbye to her...
Kiki's Delivery Service
First Lieutenant Shun'ichi Maki of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force is a prestigious F-15 Eagle jet pilot (or "driver" as he is called in the film)....
Ultraman: The Next
A love story about two step-siblings, Yota and Kaoru. Long ago, Yota's mother married Kaoru's jazz-playing father, effectively merging the two...
Tears for You
In the mountain hot springs of Izu, Japan, a love triangle is waiting to happen. It is the late 1930s when the paths of a stunning woman fleeing...
My Darling of the Mountains
Tales of the Bizarre: 2017 Spring Special
“Sakura no Ame” is a song viewed more than 4.2 million times in “niconico” video sharing website in Japan. After the release...
Cherry Blossom Memories
Masato and his wife Keiko are a happy couple, with their children Eiji and Erina. He, she and Eiji are plunged into despair, after Eiji and Erina are...
Wenny Has Wings
The series follow the story of a high school boy who lives in Tokyo, and his childhood friend, Hakatano Donko-chan, who is from Hakata and really...
Don't You Think Girls Who Talk in Hakata Dialect Are Cute?
Tales of the Bizarre: 2024 Winter Special