The story takes place at Shido Academy, a boarding school for boys, and centers on Hayama Takumi, a lonely and shy boy who suffers from an extreme...
Takumi-kun Series 6: The Morning of the Beginning of a Long, Long Story.
The Theater Dramatica Act 1 - Journey to the West
This is the stage play adaptation of the original SK8 the Infinity anime series. Part 1 was performed from December 2 to December 12, 2021 at THE...
SK8 the Infinity - The Stage: The First Part ~Atsui yoru no hajimari~
The 3rd of the Danganronpa live-action adaptations.
Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibōgamine Gakuen THE STAGE 2018
The second live concert in the Ensemble Stars! stage series; it ran from March 25th-26th 2023 in Yokohama.
Ensemble Stars! THE STAGE -Party Live-
2205 AD. "Historic revisionists," who seek to alter history, have launched an attack on the past. When confronting, the government dispatches "god of...
Touken Ranbu: The Stage - Jyo-den: Mitsura Boshi Katanagatari
One day, Kunihiro Yamabagiri, Heshikiri Hasebe, ordered by the Lord to investigate, Realize that they have arrived at the destination. There is...
Touken Ranbu Gaiden: The Stage - Kono Yora no Odawara
A recorded performance of the Tokyo Revengers: Bloody Halloween stage play. Also features exclusive behind-the-scenes footage of the Cool Japan Park...
Tokyo Revengers: Bloody Halloween
The third part of the Theater Dramatica series of plays that takes place in the Ensemble Stars! universe. Ran from October 17th-November 19th 2023.
The Theater Dramatica Act 3 - Karafuru Wonderful!
An Ensemble Stars! Extra Stage that adapts the event stories "Rocket Start" and "Pleiades Night."
Ensemble Stars! Extra Stage ~Night of Blossoming Stars~