After his parent's divorce, Kazuo Saito moves with his mother from Onomichi and must leave his girlfriend behind. At his new school, Kazuo is...
Switching – Goodbye Me
While researching a story on a school for problem children, Nakahara meets Emi, a college volunteer with a compelling tale of her own. After...
Your Friend
Seigo Yoshioka (Kenji Sakaguchi) is a teacher that became mute after a kendo accident. He feels lost after the accident and eventually decides to...
Locomotive Teacher
'Female' is comprised of five short films adapted from five novels by female authors. Directed by Shinya Tsukamoto, Tetsuo Shinohara, Ryuichi Hiroki,...
Sakai's Happiness is a humorous and bittersweet portrayal of an ordinary family dealing with the challenges of everyday life.
The Sakai's Happiness
In 1923, teenager Kim Shun-Pei moves from Cheju Island, in South Korea, to Osaka, in Japan. Along the years, he becomes a cruel, greedy and violent...
Blood and Bones
A film about family life in Osaka. Following the death of their father, three boys struggle to find their own identity with the help of their...
Osaka Hamlet
Two 17 year old teens are hospitalized for different reasons. Ezaki suffers from Hepatitis A, while Akiba is due to a weak heart. The relationship...
Looking Up at the Half-Moon
In the aftermath of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami, a journalist arrives in Nagaoka, a city decimated during a WWII air raid and by the...
Casting Blossoms to the Sky
Set in the year 3000 in New Tokyo where this time round, human beings with blood type B are being targeted.
The Chasing World 3
When good-for-nothing employee Daichi is attending to a backlog of work, a frightening game of tag targeting people with blood type B begins.
The Chasing World 5
Nobunaga's Coffin