This film follows the daily lives of a group of people barely scraping by in a slum on the outskirts of Tokyo. Yet as desperate as their...
Tokyo engineer Kariya arrives on a primitive tropical island, where he interacts with the Futori clan, to drill a well to power a sugar mill.
Profound Desires of the Gods
A man is trying to flee from his past, and he ends up in an underworld filled with strange characters. He finds a job skewering meat in a dirty old...
Akame 48 Waterfalls
In the sixth and final episode Rentaro Mikuni steals the show as Baiken Shishido, Musashi's nemesis. Mikuni is the nominal villain of the film, but...
Miyamoto Musashi VI: Swords of Death
One day, when Goro (Kiyoshi Atsumi) returns to his poor tenement house from a trip on a deep-sea tuna boat, his neighbor's daughter Haruko (Mitsuko...
Charming Men
A 19-year-old newspaper delivery boy begins collecting information on the households in his neighborhood and keeping a journal of why he doesn't like...
The Nineteen-Year-Old's Map
Taro Kuroki, 42, is a stuntman with a samurai's heart. He loves adventures, plays pranks with the police, tries to cure a cat lady by reversing her...
The Love and Adventures of Kuroki Taro
An uptight young man comes to suspect that his factory worker girlfriend has a secret involving his boorish older brother.
Women Can't Be Beaten
A 1920s playwright meets a beautiful woman who may be the ghost of his patron's deceased wife.