The second film in the "Suruga yukyoden" series, in which Shintaro Katsu plays Jirocho Shimizu. The film features Omasa, Komasa, Ocho, who will...
The Life of a Chivalrous Man in Suruga: Broken Swords
1962 Japanese movie
Haruko no ōen danchō
Takuya Tsuda is a cop who loves motorcycles. One day a speeding motorcycle seriously injures a child and his investigations lead Takuya to Akio...
Black Speeding
Kojiki taishō
The year is 1932, and a woman, whose tenant-farmer fiancé is fighting in China, is raped by the landowner's son, who has returned from the war...
Immortal Love
[Period covered: 1616] On May 8th, 1615 the summer campaign of Osaka has reached the climax. This film takes place immediately following 'Ninja 4:...
Shinobi No Mono 5: Return of Mist Saizo
Yoso is truly a lost classic, set in the Nara Era (710-794), from Kinugasa Teinosuke the same writer/director who gave us the recognized classic Gate...
Bronze Magician
Kokubu, captain of his university's kendo team, is a mystery to those who know him: An ascetic dedicated to a point of obsession with the simplicity...
A man operates a small real estate business near Osaka. A man from Tokyo asks for help in buying a large tract of land in order, he says, to build an...
The shogun's vassal Harima Aoyama and a chamber maid are in love with each other, but they cannot be together due to a difference of their status....
A Samurai Never Tells a Lie
Ryokichi Ibuki is a clerk who learns company "top secrets" and becomes an industrial blackmailer. Kaoru Koizumi, a confidential secretary in love...
Black Dividend
Ide of the Kokusai Rayon Company visits a supermarket and finds cheap shirts being passed off as his company's products. But a closer look reveals...
The Black Trademark
Teinen Taishoku
A talent scout who had his eyes set on a star left-handed pitcher in the high school baseball world falls to his death at his hotel. Was it a...
Black Dead Ball
Industrial espionage in the pharmaceutical industry. Also know in English as “Black Parking Lot”.
Lips of Ruin
Chairman of the Shin Nihon Kaihatsu company Fukazawa, using clever ways to circumvent the law, rose to the top of the economic backstage. Three...
Black Trump Card