The story takes place at Shido Academy, a boarding school for boys, and centers on Hayama Takumi, a lonely and shy boy who suffers from an extreme...
Takumi-kun Series 6: The Morning of the Beginning of a Long, Long Story.
Koisuru Anti-Hero THE MOVIE
As a member of her high school's newspaper club, Airi looks forward to the annual creation of the town's tourism promotion posters, but it gets...
18 Years Old, Spinning Together
Itsuki, who once wanted to go to an art college but now does physical work for the family, meets Miwa who is staring at his artwork at the gallery....
An old picture book writer named Yamazaki, having been handsome as a young gay man, grows narcissistic of his beauty. But now, can't bear his own...
Old Narcissus
Until the Day I Call You My Son