Machida, an aspiring filmmaker, heads to the room of a stranger where he thinks his girlfriend Yukiko might be in there, while rolling his brand new...
Kaze wa Fukudarou
Extended version of Koji Shiraishi's Ultra Violent People from 2011 that adds Kudo from the "Senritsu Kaiki File Kowasugi" series!
Ultra Violent People - Deluxe
A faux-documentary that closely follows two maniacally violent people who rebel against the old traditions of their film studies club.
Violence Men
Nasu, who works for a magazine working on DVD supplemental's, begins interviewing a man who calls himself a "Violent Man". However, the man's words...
Ultra Violent People
Following a film shoot gone wrong, director Koji Shiraishi finds himself forced to employ two violent criminals in his future productions.
Cursed Violent People