Comedy based on short Sean O'Casey play. John Jo Mulligan finds himself in a situation with which his pious conscience cannot cope. He has spent a...
Bedtime Story
Cesta mstitele své cti
Noc labutí
Nesmíš myslet na klokana
A Czech TV film adaptation of Budd Schulberg's novel The Harder They Fall, which had previously been made as the 1956 US movie of the same name...
The Harder They Fall
Osud jménem Kamila
A comedy about two bumbling policemen investigating an alleged rape in a small Czech town. One of the alleged rapists is supposed to get married the...
The Unfortunate Bridegroom
Běž, ať ti neuteče
Jan Zika is the legendary hero of the communist resistance movement during World War II and leading functionary of the second underground Central...
The Key
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