Posthumously premiered in 1930, From the House of the Dead derives from Dostoevsky’s autobiographical 1862 novel that drew on his experience as...
From the House of the Dead - La Monnaie / De Munt
In the court of Princess Turandot, suitors who fail to solve her riddles are brutally killed. But when a mysterious Prince answers correctly,...
Royal Opera House: Turandot
CHOSTAKOVITCH, Le Nez – Bruxelles (La Monnaie)
At a glittering party in 18th-century Paris, the poet Andréa Chenier delivers an impassioned denunciation of Louis XVI. Five years later, the...
Royal Opera House: Andrea Chénier
The dark world of Tchaikovsky’s penultimate operatic masterpiece Queen of Spades hinges on obsession, greed, and a secret in winning at...
The ROH Live: The Queen of Spades
Tsar Saltan marries the youngest of three sisters, having heard that it is her dearest wish to present him with a heroic son and heir. Her jealous...
The Tale Of Tsar Saltan
‘A beautiful song – a shame that it shows such disrespect to the Mayor!’ This remark from the score of The Golden Cockerel...
The Golden Cockerel