Follows the journey of India's iconic home chef, Tarla Dalal. It captures the integral role she played in empowering women and helping them realise...
Mampu watches her father struggling to keep his single-screen theatre alive - as her hometown Allahabad acquires a new name and starts losing traces...
A mysterious stranger arrives in a village situated in the Thar desert and crosses paths with a veteran cop investigating a case of brutal killings.
Vikram, an honest officer with the Lucknow police, is on a mission to find and eliminate gangster Vedha. However, when Vedha surrenders himself to...
Vikram Vedha
Biscut is a powerful film on the state of politics in Uttar Pradesh and offers a gritty and hard-hitting take on the treatment of the backward...
Returning home to visit their ill grandfather, two estranged brothers must confront their unresolved rivalry while their parents’ marriage...
Kapoor & Sons
Grieving over the loss of her son, a mother struggles with her feelings for her daughter and her husband. She seeks out a ritual that allows her say...
The Other Side of the Door
Deepak Singh was an ex army person and owned a small garment shop in a Rajasthani village. When his life struck by a tragedy, he migrates to Mumbai,...
City Lights
A group of people from government arrives to promote the new identification cards. Parsua becomes the first who has the card that everyone is...
2024 marks a century since the opening of the Causeway, the iconic bridge that seamlessly connects Singapore and Malaysia, shaping the lives and...
The Causeway