In 1990 Barry J. Gillis began shooting wicked world on 16mm film. Eddie Platt, took his video camera along to many of the locations, capturing...
Reality Behind the Scenes of Wicked World
Grant Ekland is a dirty cop, with a checkered past that endlessly haunts him. The love of his life was murdered by a serial killer named Harold who...
Wicked World
An impotent husband with a fanatical desire to father children, forces his wife to undergo a dangerous experiment. This results in the birth of a...
Group of people find themselves trapped in States from Zombies.
The Epidemic
A medical examiner conducting autopsies on victims of a terrible car crash, imagines how they may have lived their lives.
Tales from the Dead Zone
A man who's wife is dying of a mysterious illness, contemplates taking the law into his own hands, after his daughter witnesses a double homicide and...
The Killing Games
Guests of a country inn begin disappearing and dying.
House of Many Sorrows
For one female entity time stands still, while for another time travels back and forth between the plains of the supernatural world.