The story of two young friends, a lawyer, a rich man and a group of kidnappers end up in a series of strange circumstances all to discover; Who...
Who Killed Bambi?
A golpe de tacón
Manuel, a Spanish politician whose high-class lifestyle is based on nefarious and illegal business threatens to break his entire party after a...
The Realm
In Madrid, a tenant agrees to ignore the existence of the other tenant living in his apartment, so that both inhabit the space as if it were an...
Bills Included
Josefina depicts Middle Age Juan's love angle, Juan was a prison guard and the lady he loved's son Sergio was a prisoner in prison, and he loses his...
Ana (28) and her mother, Sonia (55), help Gonzalo (58), father of a family and victim of a degenerative disease, to prepare a staging aimed at...
Solo los muertos se quedan