Richard and Priscilla Parker are an ordinary suburban couple whose lives are invaded and rocked by their hedonistic, secretive new neighbors, Eddy...
Consenting Adults
Bright young student Raymond Aibelli is forced to sidetrack an important medical internship because his mother, Susan, is recovering from a broken...
Spanking the Monkey
A young boy is taken over by demons who force him to commit murder.
The Demon Murder Case
William Saroyan's Pulitzer Prize-winning play revolves around the denizens of a San Francisco bar in 1939. Lonely, lovelorn, weary or cynical, the...
The Time of Your Life
A banker, husband, and father, Mr. Smith must leave it behind him. He's made a mistake and he's trying to pay for it but he doesn't know if there is...
Mr. Smith Gets a Hustler
FBI Agent Will Graham, who retired after catching Hannibal Lecter, returns to duty to engage in a risky cat-and-mouse game with Lecter to capture a...
Respected lawyer, Henry Turner survives a convenience-store shooting only to find he has lost his memory, and has serious speech and mobility issues....
Regarding Henry
A group of American boys discovers a Russian sailor washed up on the coast of Florida and decide to befriend him, assuming that he is friendly and...
Two young kids in love, one young graffiti artist and the other a foster-child, find trouble on the mean streets on the other side of the river in...
Dreams Don't Die