Based on a comedy TV series about Serbian "aristocracy" during the Turkish "answer" to the Serbian Uprising during the Serbian-Turkish war in the...
Black Gruja and the Stone of Wisdom
On the morning of 31st December at a Belgrade market, Spic and Djosa are selling baby pigs and Christmas trees. The European mad cow madness is doing...
And Now, Goodbye!
A theater comedy play based on Vuk Karadžić's writer released on VHS.
Crven ban je ban
A returnee from Australia causes uproar in his native village when he announces he's looking for bride.
Everything's for People
Tihomir Stojkovic suspects that there's a hidden treasure in the property of his neighbors. Since this piece of land belongs to a man who has...
The Secret of Family Treasure
Comedy about the life of a modern village family and many neighbors of theirs, dealing with Serbian mentality at the turn of the XXI century. Based...
Tihomir Stojković became famous after the series The Family Treasure, and profits around Serbia on his fame. He receives an invitation from...
Gee, Bro!
A series of characters visit the police station, run by one Đuro Palica.
Police Station 2