A grieving father grapples with the seedy, manipulative world of high stakes debt collection while struggling to shed the tragedies of his past. He...
In spring 2015, the NRA introduced a brand new Eddie Eagle video. Started in 1988, the Eddie Eagle GunSafe program has reached more than 28 million...
Eddie Eagle and the Wing Team
Two couples discover they may not be have found "the one" after all, and whether they're ready to admit it or not, their friends will give them the...
Switched at Love
Katherine refuses to fall for playboy Drew Evan's tactical skills to seduce her, making him desire her more.
Sarah, an abused 16-year-old girl, is sent to a ranch for abuse survivors, and she meets Dreamer, a horse which has also suffered abuse. Together,...
Two families that hated each other for years are forced to spend Christmas together.
A Christmas to Remember
Adopted at a young age, Keyshia Cole overcomes a difficult childhood to pursue her dream of becoming a singer. As her star begins to rise, Keyshia...
Keyshia Cole: This Is My Story
A man in his mid-20s, still living at home with his mother and stepfather, puts all his eggs in one basket: the girl who works at his local coffee...
Almost Friends
The author of a self-help book on how to find the perfect husband is determined to find eligible mates for her five single daughters.
Pride & Prejudice: Atlanta
Based on true events and filmed in the actual haunted house upon which the script is based, A Savannah Haunting is a chilling supernatural thriller...
A Savannah Haunting