Rico, a laborer, illicitly boards a train bound for the city, seeking a departure from his mundane existence. This marks the inception of an...
The Shameless Ones.
A family of peasants must live in the chaotic big city.
Ayer me echaron del Pueblo
Regina, who lives with her son Daniel, loses her teaching job because his illegitimacy. She opens a sewing shop and keeps her child away from people....
The Wall of Silence
A mysterious and wandering gunman faces hostility from Indians and whites, inhabitants of fields and towns whose place and time are also a mystery.
El Taciturno
A derelict fishing boat in the Caribbean Sea is taken in by four ship's crew hoping to make a profit from the cargo. Little do they know, however,...
Quatre hommes aux poings nus
A group of sadists intent on rape girls in the middle of the wilderness.
Hell in the Jungle
Requiem por un canalla
In the begining of 20th century, after the "thousand days war", the country was devastated. Gunmen to the service of land lords attack small land...
Aquileo Venganza