A reverse comedy that tells the story of a perfectionist assassin who falls and hits his head in a sauna, giving him amnesia. When a down-and-out...
Joon-il, who was once a national team-level prospect, now just a coach at a local soccer class. He is on the verge of being fired for his...
Sunday League
A comic book storekeeper, Dae-man, and the legendary homicide detective, Tae-su, who met on previous case quit their jobs to open a private detective...
The Accidental Detective 2: In Action
During the Japanese colonial rule of Korea, while people are in despair, Jae-ho tries to raise morale by winning cycle championship. Bok-dong, who...
Race to Freedom: Um Bok-dong
In the 1990s, when Go gambling fever swept Korea, Gui-su loses everything because his father gambled obsessively until there was nothing left. Left...
The Divine Move 2: The Wrathful