Before getting nabbed by the cops, a jewel thief hides a small fortune in stolen goods aboard an empty barge. But when he later returns to claim his...
The Hornet's Nest
In this crime drama, an escaped convict is recaptured and charged with killing two people in a lonely waystation during a snowstorm. Fortunately, a...
Mystery Junction
Two stories, in the Scotland Yard Series to show that crime does not pay. This was a compilation of two episodes from the television series Stryker...
Companions in Crime
In 1904 London, neighbors begin to suspect that a very strange man calling himself Dr. Fell may indeed be the famous Jack the Ripper.
Room to Let
The middle aged matron at a Norwich school wins a large prize in a French lottery. She is murdered in London and the murderer's secretary...
Dead Men Tell No Tales
When an eccentric practical joker dies, he divides his fortune among four heirs. But before they can collect the cash they must each do something...
Laughter in Paradise
A Ministry of Information film, in which three women, all from one street but different class backgrounds, mysteriously congregate at one house....
Down Our Street