The film is based on the best-selling suspense novel "The Long Corridor" by Keigo Higashino. There are countless secrets hidden in the cloister...
Age of the Legend
Childhood gives life to toys, and so toys safeguard it. The new range of digital entertainment means toys are being left behind. When Laura get...
Toy Guardians
After the discovery of the planet Kepler, the greedy human beings madly exploited the star's energy organisms - Caralluma, which made the planet...
Axel:Adventures of the spacekids
The once beautiful and lush Planet Keplar is now dry and near death after its precocious Kar-Lalo plant was exploited by Earthers to extinction. The...
Axel 2: Adventures of the Spacekids
In this exciting Chinese action flick, Mr. Black is back! After notorious criminal rat, One-Ear escapes, Mr. Black organises a all-points bulletin to...
Mr Black: Green Star