Johnny (William) is a 25-year-old man, filled with sexual desire, who longs to have a real relationship with a woman. Every time he sees an...
When Mary Met Johnny
Night Shift
"Old Cow Vs Tender Grass" tells the story of Moo (played by Henry Thia), a taxi-driver in his late 40s, and how his routine life changes when he gets...
Old Cow Vs Tender Grass
A-Tai (Alan Ko) narrates that he is the son of Uncle Da (Chen Po-cheng) and Aunt Da (Samantha Ko), who run a troupe in Taichung. Uncle Da's troupe...
Din Tao: Leader of the Parade
A what if story set in the Detective Comics Universe. Catch your favorite heroes and villains in this epic live action/animated feature. Created for...
Dark Superman
Loser Family