Set in 1999, in a typical suburban town, Bart Bagalzby is a high school kid who wants to be more popular. His best friends are a diverse group of...
Bart Bagalzby and the Garbage Genie
Rosetta and new arrival Chloe band together to try to break the garden fairies' legendary losing streak in the Pixie Hollow Games, a sports spectacle...
Pixie Hollow Games
A camping trip and forced intervention becomes a battle for survival, as five friends must fight not only their own demons but an evil in the woods.
As Certain as Death
A music band traveling to Mississippi for a big audition spends the night in a house from an online vacation brochure, only to find it secretly...
Payment Received
Christopher Bennett, a police detective from Phoenix, Arizona, is struggling from memories of a case from his past, and after a heated altercation...
Fruit of the Poisonous Tree
A teenage boy leaves a moment of boredom while his father works on his old car, and the mother wishes to go out for a stroll around the block. One...
Quiet as Kept
Craig and his cousin Day Day have finally moved out of their parents' houses and into their own crib, working nights at a local mall as security...
Friday After Next
An installation guy comes to a girl's apartment and wants her to treat him as a guest. When she refuses, he turns into a psycho.
Evening Installation
In his first made-for-TV movie, Ned just wants to hang with the girl of his dreams. The only problem is he doesn't know if that girl is Suzie or...
Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide: Field Trips, Permission Slips, Signs, and Weasels