When Moore Street market-trader Agnes Brown finds her livelihood under threat from a ruthless developer, she and her family embark on a campaign to...
Mrs. Brown's Boys D'Movie
Recorded Live at the Everyman Palace Theatre, Cork In the "Real" Capital of Ireland, Cork City, Brendan O'Carroll takes the Southern Audience on a...
Brendan O'Carroll: How's Your Jolly Roger?
Get ready for more outrageous behaviour as things aren't looking so great for Mammy; Cathy's psychiatrist boyfriend wants her to be his case study,...
Mrs. Brown's Boys Live Tour: Mrs. Brown Rides Again
Get ready to experience everyone’s favourite mother hen at her most outrageous in her very first Live Tour DVD. Prepare for a riot of bad...
Mrs. Brown's Boys Live Tour: Good Mourning Mrs. Brown
A handsome stranger appears in Foley's Pub, surprisingly to find Agnes Brown. The question is: will she go on her first date in years and what will...
Mrs. Brown's Boys: Crackin' Christmas
Rats is released from prison and needs to make some money; fast. To his dismay, things have changed dramatically during his absence; his mother no...
Spin the Bottle
A black comedy about two old-time conmen who pretend to be able to communicate with the dead.