The film revolves around a group of young people, living in a popular area and suffer from poverty and unemployment, and after a series of events...
Chivalrous Boys
Belly dancer, Nahed Afify, is in the middle of a career crisis, so she distracts herself through multiple affairs. She ends each by collecting a...
Lovers' Scraps
Based on a true story, Souad Qassem, a widow, falls for Mahmoud Elwan who deludes her into believing that he is a well-heeled and powerful man. When...
Woman and Cleaver
An adventurous girl whose father dies and his manager takes over his wealth, as her cousin and his friend try to chase the man and get back the...
Gang 16
Five sisters whose life conditions deteriorated after the death of the father and the mother was sentenced to death after her involvement in a murder...
These Women don't know regret
Dr. Ali Al-Rifai is one of the United Nations experts specialized in resolving international conflicts. He lived his life moving between conflict...
The stray
an Egyptian teacher traveled to work in the Gulf for many years. After a long period, she decided to return to her country, but she was surprised by...
Bushra Sarrah
The play Wanis talks about the famous family, which is the family of Wanis, but several paradoxes occur, the first is Wanis sitting at home and Misa...
Wanees' Family
University graduate works as a school bus driver after failing to find a proper job, where he unexpectedly falls in love with a school teacher, who...
Captain Hima
Ali is a young man in his twenties who hunts doves. His relationships and vision of life develop, and he reaches the age of forty, which changes his...
The Dove Hunter
The film revolves around Saeed AL-Masri (Adel Imam), one of the pilots of the October War who lost his eye-sight after his plane crashed during the...
The Prince of Darkness
Four university friends are perpetually vulgar. When one of them falls in love with her neighbor, her mother who sells pickles disapproves. Her...
Talk To Mum
Life seems impossible between the wealthy and successful businessman Said and his wife Souad, despite having their only daughter Dounia, and decides...
Clash of wives
The story of a broken up family in which the father and the oldest son live in Europe while the mother and the younger son live in Egypt. The older...
In Love