In rural New Zealand, Harry and Eric are middle-aged men whose aged, tyrannical mother runs their lives. When she dies, serious questions come to the...
Willy Nilly
Colin is the deputy principal of a city high school (Avondale College, Auckland) who reluctantly applies for the principal's job on the latter's...
Middle Age Spread
Featuring the characters from Murray Ball's "Footrot Flats" (New Zealands most beloved local cartoon strip), questions to be answered include: Will...
Footrot Flats: The Dog's Tale
Recluse Smith is drawn into a revolutionary struggle between guerrillas and right-wingers in New Zealand. Implicated in a murder and framed as a...
Sleeping Dogs
Two brothers take their father into the city for the weekend for a rugby game and a night on the town. However, the old man dies in their hotel and...
Carry Me Back
Malfred Signal leaves her life of stifling gentility as an art teacher in a South Island private girls' school and decides to live out her dream...
A State of Siege