When the sudden appearance of lights from the sky causes his girlfriend to disappear, Alex and his friends embark on a quest to find her. Their...
A prequel to the first two Underworld films, this fantasy explains the origins of the feud between the Vampires and the Lycans. Aided by his secret...
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans
Two small-town singers chase their pop star dreams at a global music competition, where high stakes, scheming rivals and onstage mishaps test their...
Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga
Set between the events of Halo 4 and Halo 5: Guardians… Halo: Nightfall tells the dramatic story of legendary man hunter and Naval...
Halo: Nightfall
A woman who is based in Lucknow. She has worked all her life to support her family, however her identity is still single as she is unmarried and not...
Single Salma