An ironic story about the unpredictability of human existence. The heroes of the film: two bloated grandmothers riding a velomobile, a young...
A drama based on the novel "Kvietimas". The director of the local history museum, Adamonis, has everything that, in his opinion, an employee of this...
Lithuania in the near future. The land is full of rich immigrants. Rich Lithuanians that were scattered throughout the world return to Lithuania to...
Garden of Eden
Teleplay about the personality and activities of Motiejas Valančiaus, a bishop of Žemaitsi and the problems of the Lithuanian nation in...
Shepherd of Žemaitsi
Sename dvare
Naive story about young bride who tries to decide which one of her admires: a broom or a fisherman, she should be with until it’s not too late.
Until It's Too Late...
Pranas, now a celebrity singer, returns to his homeland from a big city. He is greeted at the airport and driven to his native village by a childhood...
I'm Sorry