Marketing whiz Alma Beltran and Christmas tree whisperer Charlie Freemont cross paths when Charlie finds the perfect tree for the Maine Governor's...
Under the Christmas Tree
A dark dramedy that follows Lea and Court Matheson, a happily-married lesbian couple, and their three-year-old son as they return to Lea's hometown...
The Inherent Traits of Connor James
A film about growing apart when growing up. Two best friends relationship strains when one deals with her newfound sexuality and the other with...
Almost Adults
It has been five years since Laura and Carmilla vanquished the apocalypse and Carmilla became a bonafide mortal human. They have settled in to a cozy...
The Carmilla Movie
An unexpected affair quickly escalates into a heart-stopping reality for two women whose passionate connection changes their lives forever.
Below Her Mouth
Fatima is a Toronto-born modern muslim girl raised in a family of mixed-cultures and mixed messages about what her role in the world is. She gets...
Becoming Burlesque
When a morning show producer makes a New Year's resolution to say yes more, she crosses paths with a confirmed Yes man who just might hold the key to...
A New Year's Resolution
Clothes designer Skye goes mobile with a “fashion truck” – but she can’t drive the truck and run the business alone. Help...
Designed with Love
Linguistics Ph.D. student Julie Walters can speak almost every language you can imagine. Things turn upside down for Julie when handsome Dan, the...
Love in Translation
When an Amish woman's daughter is kidnapped, she seeks help from her estranged friend who left the Amish community and found social media stardom.
A Kidnapping in Amish Country