This semi-autobiographical film by Barry Levinson follows various members of the Kurtzman clan, a Jewish family living in suburban Baltimore during...
Liberty Heights
Major Nick Reed is an intrepid analyst for Army Intelligence. It's his job to locate a secret enemy base whose fighters - the dreaded Ghost Squadron...
Military Intelligence and You!
The three Naibert children, in their teens and early twenties, inherit a vast estate from their grandmother Rebecca. But unknown to them, the family...
The Passing
As a little girl, Melanie Hogan wished to find her own prince charming just like her parents found true love. Now an adult, Melanie is running her...
Matchmaker Santa
Despite his best intentions, billionaire Jason Stevens can’t find enough time to keep his beloved Alexia a priority. But when he discovers his...
The Ultimate Life
The rise of Charles Manson and his "family," who are responsible for a series of famous murders in the late 1960s. Manson, a magnetic and mysterious...
Helter Skelter
Watch carefully, and see what you can find. A woman, struggling to refill her anxiety medication via an aggravating customer service phone tree,...
Eye Catcher
A corrupt politician covers up his daughter Vicky's pregnancy by forcing her to give the baby up for adoption. The newborn is adopted by a loving...
Taken Away
Ordered to teach a martial arts class of rambunctious bunny kittens, Po tells stories of each of the Furious Five's pasts.
Kung Fu Panda: Secrets of the Furious Five
Soul's Midnight is a present day vampire horror based on a historic cult who delves into ancient rituals revolving around the legend of St. George....
Soul's Midnight