Previerka lásky
The story of a young lawyer who finds herself in a difficult situation when she encounters troubles in her burgeoning career and complications in...
The Lawyer
Pavilón číslo 6
Otvorený účet
Pred západom slnka
Kráska a výlet
Poéma o svedomí
Slovak remake of the 1957 Sidney Lumet movie, "12 Angry Men".
Dvanásť nahnevaných mužov
In the 1600s, an overzealous clergy hauls innocent women in front of tribunals, forces them to confess to imaginary witchery, and engages in brutal...
Television adaptation of Ivan Bukovčan's tragicomedy. The story of people who meet at a post-graduation party and discuss their lives. The...
Pštrosí večierok
Kto ste, Jozef Gabčík
Timon Aténsky
Desiaty chlap
Dnes platí regulačný stupeň č. 6
Sobota, nedeľa, pondelok
Veľká poľovačka
Vzkriesenie Míny
Juraj Jakubisko's first feature film after a forced nine-year-long break is a story about an unconventional man, Jozef Matúš. He...
Build a House, Plant a Tree
Smrť šitá na mieru
Fuente ovejuna
Ján Literát
Heloisa a Abelard
Pred súdom
Letec nad planétou
Podobizeň prvej lásky
Hadí princ
Tři tuny prachu
Škola klebiet
Králíci ve vysoké trávě
Pokorené rieky
Television adaptation of Roman Kaliský's play. Reconstruction of a trial with a journalist from the 1950s.
Koniec a začiatok
On Christmas Eve, 1944, in Nazi-occupied Slovakia, the Kubiš family grapples with survival amidst brutal reprisals. Marián collaborates...
Midnight Mass
A dramatic story from the setting of a youth de tention center. Youngster Jakub, out of delusory solidarity, gets convicted of theft and goes to...
The Sheriff Behind Bars
Vydatá slečna Rosita
Výnosné miesto
Čas naplnil sa...
Tisíc podpisov za obžalovaného
Kapitán Dabač
Stopy na Sitne
Kamenná bolesť
Kráľ sa zabáva
V stolnom meste Kyjeve
Na jednom dvore
Ešte sa nevraciam
Odolať mrazu
Anjel prichádza oknom
Andersonvillský proces
Sen o Krištofovi Kolumbusovi
Vládca Oidipus
Článok na prvú stranku
Smrť malomeštiaka
Radosť žiť
Profesor na bielom koni
Gábor Vlkolinský
Príbelská vzbura Janka Kráľa
Putička Li
Šimon a Veronika
Žiadne veľké slová
Život je sen
Čarovná čaša
Čierna pani
O láske a slávikoch
Marka Nalezenka
Rozprávanie pani N. N.
The first Slovakian colour film. A celebration of traditional Slovakian folklore and creativity expressed through a story of young love .
Tetované časom
Život na úteku
Pád hore
Muž, ktorý vedel lietať
Perhaps the most successful Slovak musical.
Na skle maľované
On one May day in 1864, N. G. Chernyshevsky, a writer and revolutionary democrat, was declared a state criminal and sentenced to hard labor in...
Russian Romance
Jacobowski a plukovník
Šťastie zberateľov
Staviteľ Solness
A story about three young boys who are best friends and together are trying to fight a poacher in the forest close to their village.
Comrade Cone
A story of a family that after WWII moved to the south of Slovakia and acquired a prosperous butcher business left behind by a Hungarian emigrant....
The Assistant
Vianoce Adama Boronču
Volanie démonov
The story of the great strike of the workers building the Cervena Skala - Mergecany railway line
The Struggle Will End Tomorrow
Obrana Sokratova
Pole neorané
Počúvaj tú melódiu
Biele vrany
Štyria grobiani
Dom na rázcestí
Tri poviedky so Zdenou Gruberovou
Na pochode sa vždy nespieva...
Do videnia, Lucienne!
A Game Without Love
Ežo Vlkolinský
Patálie s kamerou
Dvaja bratia
Jánošík ’21
The second full-length film of director Dusan Rapos. It was based on Eleonora Gasparova's novel of the same title. The director tells a story about...
The Fountain for Suzanne
Skleníková Venuša