Tells the story of a Communist Party's early history during the turbulent era, examining the remarkable Chinese revolutionary leaders' zeal and...
In the follow-up to "The Battle At Lake Changjin", brothers Wu Qianli and Wu Wanli undertake a new task for the People's Volunteer Army, defending a...
The Battle at Lake Changjin II: Water Gate Bridge
A large blast hits the gas pipeline in the industrial park due to a sudden earthquake, which triggers massive explosions and engulfs the neighboring...
A documentary on the making of China's war epic "The Battle at Lake Changjin".
Changjin, Changjin
The civil war in Ivya has just ended, and the people have seen a glimmer of peace. However, M country has controlled terrorist organizations for some...
Operation Leviathan
The movie focuses on the battle of Cheolwon, where the 63rd Army of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army (CPVA) was ordered to enter the battlefield...
The Volunteers: The Battle of Life and Death
Anthology of short films directed by several different directors.
My People, My Country
Korean War, winter 1950. In the frozen and snowy area of Changjin Lake, a bloody battle is about to begin between the elite troops of the United...
The Battle at Lake Changjin