A comedic drama set amongst grieving twenty-something man-boys in the industrial Midwest whose black friend was recently murdered in a historically...
A con-artist feigning illness to live off of disability checks finds his scam unraveling when his wife suddenly disappears.
Joy de V.
Buttercup Bill is the psycho-sexual romance of Patrick and Pernilla- mutually obsessed soul mates clinging to childhood secrets. Closer to twins...
Buttercup Bill
On a whim, Eve, a young Swedish traveler, accepts an invitation from Peter to vacation on his family's private island off the coast of New England....
Automatic at Sea
Deep in the underbelly of New York City, a five year-old girl and her mother live among a community that has claimed the abandoned subway tunnels as...
A short film about a young woman trying to find a way out of an abusive relationship.
Jonny Come Lately