Detective thriller about a killer loose in the crowds. The film follows a sniper on his rounds looking for victims, while a police inspector, with...
Pars Pro Toto
Story about the young Balthazar thrown from one remarkable event to the other. On his way through a plague hit the landscape, he meets the...
The Tribulations of Balthazar Kober
A group of friends at a New Year’s Eve party go through a whirlwind of events that exposes secrets, breaks hearts — and leads to a...
All My Friends Are Dead
The story of a little girl for whom the war began just after her fifth birthday, when one night her mother and the whole house disappeared. You had...
Three friends – a rooster, a cat and a vixen – meet the kidnapped princess on the eve of the war between Balbacja and Tiuturlistan. To...
Kidnapping in Tiutiurlistan
Krzysztof, a semantics professor and computer hobbyist, is raising his young son, Paweł, to look to science for answers, while Irena,...
Decalogue I
It tells the story of the Warsaw Uprising of 1944 through the eyes of a US airman, escaper from the Nazi Stalag camp and two young reporters,...
Warsaw Uprising
Based on true events, the movie tells the story of two men who want to start a scooter business but don't have the required collateral for a bank...
The Debt
The action-packed historical and revolutionary film about the struggle of the VCHK with the international conspiracy against the Soviet government in...
Fiasco of Operation Terror
An arrogant medical man discovers there's more to his new patient than he imagined in this drama from Polish filmmaker Feliks Falk. Dr. Konstanty...
Case Unknown
David, a boy who stays with his parents in a small cabin in a jungle, not only gets a reliable puppy named Pips for his birthday, but he also...
David and the Magic Pearl