In 1798, a feral boy is discovered outside the town of Aveyron, France. Diagnosed as mentally impaired, he is relegated to an asylum. A young doctor...
The Wild Child
In 19th century France, Jean Valjean, a man imprisoned for stealing bread, must flee a relentless policeman named Javert. The pursuit consumes both...
Les Misérables
A filmed version of Molière's play.
The Beresfords investigate mysterious deaths at an old people's home.
By the Pricking of My Thumbs
Harpagon, a miserly bourgeois, wishes to marry the young Mariane and marry his daughter Elise to Lord Anselme. He does not know that Cléante,...
A butcher's boy, in love with the daughter of one of his neighbors, a penniless baron, finds himself in financial difficulties as he begins...
Les pieds dans le plâtre
Le Tartuffe
Les femmes savantes
La Troupe du Roy : Hommage à Molière
Les Maîtres du pain
A staging of Marivaux's play "The Double Inconstancy" by Jean-Luc Boutté.
La Double Inconstance
Le Légataire universel - Jean-Paul Roussillon
In search of freedom, Duchess Alexandra, cousin of Empress Sissi, leaves Austria and her violent husband to settle incognito in Paris.
Princesse Alexandra
La Commère