In a small Midwestern town, a deadly annual ritual unfolds when the mythical nightmare, Sawtooth Jack, rises from the cornfields and challenges the...
Dark Harvest
Becca and Robby are a married couple having a hard time connecting with each other as the holidays approach. Just before Christmas, they head to a...
We Wish You a Married Christmas
When a team of mercenaries breaks into a wealthy family compound on Christmas Eve, taking everyone inside hostage, the team isn’t prepared for...
Violent Night
Driving cross-country, Ray and his wife and daughter stop at a highway rest area where his daughter falls and breaks her arm. After a frantic rush to...
'Hospital School' shows how children were treated, rehabilitated, and educated at The Lord Mayor Treloar Cripples Hospital and College in Alton,...
Hospital School
Depicts a communal flat in Russia where the Government randomly assigns 20 people to live in a one-bedroom apartment.
Very Close Quarters
Hutch Mansell, a suburban dad, overlooked husband, nothing neighbor — a "nobody." When two thieves break into his home one night, Hutch's...
Following the franchise's cult classic roots, this new anthology featuring Tony Todd and Lynn Whitfield will scare and thrill with its horrifying...
Tales from the Hood 3
Frank Coleman is a Vietnam veteran dying from cancer brought on by exposure to the defoliant chemical Agent Orange which he turns to Maude DeVictor,...
Unnatural Causes
In order to defend his family, an Ojibwe teen trains to be a warrior. Taking place in North End Winnipeg, the location of Canada's biggest Indigenous...
Many Wounds