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Smrť sa volá Engelchen
Tri razy svitá ráno
A bricklayer, Jozef Haviar, decides to live with his family on the small farm of his father through the difficult years of the economic crisis. But...
12 mesiačkov
Na brehu priezračnej rieky
In southern Moravia, in the native village of Velka Samota, a ministry official returns from Prague to lift the declining JZD he helped establish.
Great Solitude
Pole neorané
Posledný návrat
Bílá oblaka
Strong-willed peasant girl Katka disobeys her father and heads to the city to work in a factory, where no one knows quite what to make of her.
Kozie mlieko
The story of the great strike of the workers building the Cervena Skala - Mergecany railway line
The Struggle Will End Tomorrow
Lazy sa pohly
Mladé srdcia
Z našej predajne
Žena z Vrchov
Slovak movie is based on the novel by the prominent representative of Slovak prose František Hečka, who was in 1952 awarded the State...
The Wooden Village