In the year 995, due to a secret talk between Michinaga Fujiwara (Akira Emoto) and Seimei Abe (Terunosuke Takezai), Yorimitsu Minamoto (Kanji Tsuda)...
Touken Ranbu 2
The stageplay adaptation of the popular manga by Gege Akutami, Jujutsu Kaisen.
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Stage
Based on the manga "So Dangerous!?", which was released in 2019 and became an internet sensation, this coming-of-age film follows a group of high...
You Are Still in the Long Tunnel
A sage travels to the past and collects a set of eight legendary swords, which bring to life a gang of talented but dysfunctional young warriors. The...
Touken Ranbu: The Movie