The movie revolves around the theme of "Vendetta" which lies within Adam since his son was killed on his wedding ceremony. He waits for 20 years to...
Adam's Autumn
A social romance that portrays the lives of 4 married couples who are friends. As they gather to celebrate the birthday of the daughter of one of...
Sleepless Nights
إنذار بالقتل
A young man wants to become a singer, but he discovers that getting into the field is difficult, so his friends try to help him.
Peace bro
Nawal is a schizoid patient residing at a mental asylum in Alexandria. After her ex-husband takes away her only son. Dr. Shaker sympathizes with...
Gabr Elkhawater
King Farouk finds himself enraged to carry out the British orders to appoint Mustafa El-Nahas as head of the ministry. During his journey to Qassas,...
A Woman Shook the Throne of Egypt
The story revolves around three friends who went to their fourth boyfriend and worked on opening a pizza restaurant.
Pizza Pizza
A biography about Ahmed Fouad Negm, the famous poet of the Egyptian colloquial, depicting the important historical and revolutionary stages, from his...
El Fagommi
Seif works in a video rental store, and lives with a group of young men aspiring for a better life. Seif tries to prove himself worthy by showcasing...
Ice Cream in Glim
An innocent Coptic citizen who was unjustly arrested by a corrupt officer,is sent to jail, until an honorable officer is transferred to the prison as...
Three poor girls live in a neighborhood. One of them is called (Firdaws), who breaks off her engagement due to her father's disagreement with...
Ard Ard
After the defeat of 1967, Samia moves with her brother and his family to another city and is forced to marry without love from Mossad the butcher,...