La Conquista follows the erotic adventures of Alex, a Spanish yuppie with an appetite for one-night stands. Clara shares his lusty desire, and is his...
The Conquest
A lonely dog's friendship with his robot companion takes a sad turn when an unexpected malfunction forces him to abandon Robot at the beach. Will Dog...
Robot Dreams
In the sequel to "Daddy, I'm a Zombie", all of our favorite characters are back! The fate of the planet is once again in Dixie's hands as she must...
Mummy, I'm a Zombie
Jonathan, a ten-year-old boy from a suburb of Barcelona, spends his afternoons listening to the adventures of Sponge Man, a superhero created by the...
The Spongeman
A new way to approach classical music, more fun, more original, more entertaining. Mozart Band arrives, and with it his four young members: Mozart,...
Viva la banda de Mozart