The movie "Guardians 2" tells the story of Gao Tian, an international bodyguard who immediately went to rescue after receiving a...
Bodyguard 2
Zhan Zhao is a court officer who learns of a plot to assassinate Judge Bao. While on holiday he meets a young man named Bai who turns out to be a...
Cat and Mouse
A young man recalls his childhood growing up in a poor alley in Beijing during the 1950s and 1960s.
The Blue Kite
Heroes In Harm's Way
As most families only want to have boys, women end up becoming rare and precious.
Nan ren de shi jie
Liu Hao is pedicab driver living in a country town of Hebei Province. He has three women in his life. The first one left a unrelated son when leaving...
Eat Hot Tofu Slowly
Handsome Uncle from North East
This movie made in the 1990's emphasize the urgent need of the legal reform regarding the divorce law, just like the Huge Battle of Divorce (1992),...
After Divorce