Dr. David Marrow invites three distinct individuals to the eerie and isolated Hill House to be subjects for a sleep disorder study. The unfortunate...
The Haunting
A series of mysterious crimes threatens the existence of a new radio network.
Radioland Murders
A farm boy (Kirk Cameron) travels to Hollywood to rekindle a romance with a childhood sweetheart (Chelsea Noble), who's now an actress on the road to...
Star Struck
13 year old Samantha and her 6 year old brother, William Paul, survive a major tragedy that sees their whole family dead, leaving them in a foster...
Thunder Broke the Heavens
The Horror Story
Moved to another town, Jamin is now in eleventh grade, living with his alcoholic mother, and the beneficiary of court-ordered protection from his...
Horror Story
Bandit, always willing to help a lady, bites off more than he can chew when he helps a lady who is on the run from the mob. Nuns and nudists cross...
Bandit: Beauty and the Bandit