Tells two tales set during WWII: A seemingly feckless and selfish man finally takes up arms in the national struggle against the Nazis. Set in a POW...
This intense chamber drama centers on an ambitious young industrial designer who is summoned home to help his father and sister. Both the...
Family Life
While visiting Warsaw, Hanka falls for a record-breaking bricklayer. She returns to the city to work at construction sites and prove that women can...
Adventure in Marienstadt
The main character is a bookkeeper, 40, who lives a quiet, uninteresting life with her husband and son of school age. She realizes that soon she...
A Woman's Decision
A moral conflict between a young assistant and an associate professor arises during a university linguistics camp.
Shortly after World War 2 a young man arrives on the Recovered Territories and starts a romance with a young woman, all the while evading the ghosts...
Nobody's Calling
February 1943. A Jewish woman jumps out of a train and severely hurts herself. Other people arrive at the scene, but nobody is willing to help her.
Przy torze kolejowym
A wealthy German family is divided by the immorality of Nazi Germany, circa 1944. Former professional colleague, Joachim Peters, escapes from a Nazi...
A Polish communist in prison breaks out at the start of the war, fight against the Germans and tries to find out who put him behind bars.
Drugi brzeg
The documentary with commentary by Tadeusz Różewicz shows the everyday life of children a few years after the war and juxtaposes it with...
Under One Sky