The events of the play decided about King Lear, who decided to distribute his possessions to his three daughters, and because his youngest daughter...
King Lear
Salem is a poor street vendor who has been taking care of his sister since their parents died. After the 25th of January revolution, his life turns...
Salem: His Sister's Father
An acquaintance occurs between a prosecutor and an immigrant doctor in a painful accident, and a strong friendship unites them.
An unpaid killer
The intertwining love stories that take place during the travel of a number of passengers on board a tour bus between Cairo and Mansoura.
One of the Days
A very unlucky guy, Bakry, ends up with an abandoned and cursed theater house, and he must find a way to elevate the curse, as it affects him every...
Just Vanished
وبعد الطوفان
The events take place in a dramatic framework; where a child gets lost from his family, and one of the employees of the shelter adopts him and raises...
El Ashash