Set against the pulsating backdrop of rustic North India, Love Hostel traces the volatile journey of star-crossed lovers, being hunted by a ruthless...
Love Hostel
Four eminent Indian directors explore sex, desire and love through short films in this sequel to 2018's Emmy-nominated 'Lust Stories'.
Lust Stories 2
Official remake of Basu Chatterjee's 1986 classic film of the same name, an Indian adaptation of Hollywood classic '12 Angry Men'.
Ek Ruka Hua Faisla
Aye Zindagi follows the journey of a 28-year-old liver cirrhosis patient Vinay Chawla whose unlikely bond with a hospital grief counsellor Revathi,...
Aye Zindagi
A film by Nilaanjan Reeta Datta.
Shadow Assassins
An anthology that brings five unique creators and filmmakers to tell stories about love, happiness, friendship, new beginnings, second chances and a...
Explores the dynamics of familial relationships, focusing on themes of sacrifice, emotional bonds, and the challenges of sustaining unity in modern...