After a car accident, newlyweds Debbie and Tom are taken in by a mysterious stranger named Lincoln. When Lincoln reveals himself as a Demon, Debbie...
The Demon Within
Wilfred Owen returns to the Somme against the advice of his mentor Siegfried Sassoon, determined to follow his subject 'The Pity of War' to the very...
The Burying Party
June Bennett goes to Yorkshire to marry one of the richest men in Britain. Despite being twice her age, she knows what she is doing.
I Know What I'm Doing
Fledgling female stand up learns how not to die on stage.
36 Husbands is a mystical, musical, Kung Fu spy comedy starring 3 powerful women - and a bunch of husbands. Krista, top spy and Kung Fu master, has...
36 Husbands
An unfulfilled young woman takes up running.
Got To Run
C finds love through a chance encounter in this emotive, witty and deeply visual reimagining of a poem by Simon Armitage.
Last Words