Follows the rivalry between a small-town Southern sheriff and a small-town delinquent who steals cars and then destroys them with the sheriff’s...
Smokey Bites the Dust
Richard and Karen Carpenter host a musical celebration of the holiday with celebrity guests Gene Kelly, Georgia Engel, and Jimmy & Kristy McNichol.
The Carpenters: A Christmas Portrait
Rejected by her lover, the only man left in Cheryl's life is the orphaned nephew she has raised as her own son. She'll stop at nothing to keep Billy...
Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker
When teenager David Bowers renounces his home and family to run off with a quasi-religious cult, his sister, Janet, sets out to bring him back, very...
Blinded by the Light
A group of high school students take part in a parenting class where their first assignment is to 'parent' an egg.
First The Egg
In this entry in the "Decker" franchise, President Davidson Jr. recounts some of Jack Decker's patriotic adventures to the hero's son and protege,...
Decker: Unsealed
Two teens become romantically involved as they train for a skating championship.
Champions: A Love Story
This biographical drama, based on the late actress's autobiography, chronicles her attempts to rescue her drug addicted son while simultaneously...
Reason for Living: The Jill Ireland Story
A young American is framed and thrown into a Mexican prison. His friends journey to Mexico to break him out.
Escape from El Diablo